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Group of Companies

national and international manufacturer of top-quality lime and limestone
Our products
Our advantages
By buying the products from GALVAPNO Group manufactured on state-of-the-art equipment, our partners get unquestionable advantages.
The plant of GALVAPNO Group works using the SYNTHESIS Technology on the equipment by the Italian company QualiCal which is the leading worldwide manufacturer of equipment for lime processing. The company realized its projects in countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.
SYNTHESIS Technology is leading in the market of lime processing and provides for the technical capacity of clear control of the targeted physical and chemical indexes of the manufactured product, adjustable depending upon the production needs.
Noteworthy that the functioning of enterprise with such technologies is environmentally safe, and does not affect the soils and water bodies of the settlements located near the GALVAPNO Group.
The advantage of our production is the extraction of top-quality limestone and the location of all facilities on the territory of Stryhantsi quarry providing for the compliance of the constructed lime burning complex with the maximum possible energy efficiency level and the highest level of environmental safety.
The uniqueness of the production
- Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content is not less than 97% in the raw materials of Stryganetsky career
- Calcium oxide (CaO) content in the finished product is 95%, which corresponds to global standards
- Maximum application of the lime deposits with their minimum losses at all stages of processing
- Productivity – 450 tones of lime/day
- Modern furnace “SYNTHESIS 90” works on the least polluting type of fuel i.e. natural gas
- The modern system of discharge gas treatment
- We produce top-quality stone and lime from the extracted raw materials, the characteristics of which remain unchanged
- The temperature control at all stages of the lime processing
- The lowest percentage of additives among similar industries in Ukraine
Spheres of application
Production of the construction materials
Lime and limestone are used in the following productions: foamed concrete, silicate bricks, building mortar, heat-insulating materials, slag block, dry building mixes, plaster and adhesive cement, masonry mortar, putty, and asphalt.
Metal industry
Lime is used to upgrade and enrich iron and polymetallic ores. Lime lowers the melting point, which helps to saves resources. It is used in the production of metal products (wire, rolled products, molded elements etc.).
Energy industry
Nuclear power plants use lime to flush and neutralize harmful waste. Thermal power station - the hazardous flue gases are purified using an absorbent, i.e. slaked lime Са(ОН)2 in different forms.
Chemical industry
The lime is used in the following industries: paint and varnish, perfume, petrochemical, cable, and electromechanical, pharmaceuticals, rubber engineering; for the production of cosmetics, paper, glass and polymers.
Food industry
Burnt lime is used in the production of sugar and alcohol, dairy products, gelatin, bakery, for the storage of fruits and vegetables, etc.
Lime and limestone neutralize the soil acidity, which harms the agricultural crops. Thanks to lime, the soil is enriched with calcium, which contributes to improving the soil cultivation indexes.
Animal breeding
The farms and household premises are disinfected with lime, and adding lime to the animal’s food helps to eliminate the shortage of calcium in their organisms.
The waste disposal and treatment of potable water, and industrial emissions into the atmosphere and water bodies.
Processing and mining industry
Group of Companies

We specialize in limestone mining, its processing and supply to customers of the highest quality products.
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Our representatives in Europe

Greetings! I am Vladimir Topa, a representative of the GALVAPNO Group.
The countries in which I represent GALVAPNO are Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Austria and Serbia.
Phone: +373 69 1045 20
E-mail: [email protected]

Greetings! I am Henri Waltenspühl, a representative of the GALVAPNO Group.
The countries in which I represent GALVAPNO are Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary.
Phone: +41794089058
E-mail: [email protected]